Middle School Announcements 4.18.2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Food Service
Lunch Today: Chicken Patty Sandwich (Grilled or Crispy), Corn,
and Pears

Breakfast Monday: Mini Pancakes

Lunch Monday: Mini Corndogs, Baked Beans and Fresh Oranges

Save Time in the Lunch Line: Take Fruit/Veggies Everyday!
You must choose at least 1⁄2 cup of fruit, vegetable or a

combination of the 2 in order to have a complete meal. This is a
requirement of the National School Lunch Program. Be sure to
take fruit and/or veggies as you go through the lunch line. If you
don’t, you will be sent back to the line to get fruit/veggies. Please
be respectful of your lunch staff members and follow their

Upcoming Events
April 19: Good Friday-No School
April 26: PowWow
May 14: 5th & 6th Grade Spring Concert @ 7pm
May 16: 7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert @ 7pm